Digital for SMEs

Event Organization | Website Design | Consulting


Digital for SMEs


Department of Industrial Promotion


Event Organization | Website Design | Consulting

Digital for SMEs is a program run by the Department of Industrial promotion and Chulalongkorn University aiming to enhance Thai SMEs’ potential with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. The program encourages enterprises to apply ERP software with the traditional work system and capability to compete with internationals.

Department of Industry Promotion and the consulting team selected digital service providers to provide SME services on the condition that the providers must be able to join the project for a period of 1 year without charging and pass the minimum requirement of specified features. During the preparation stage, we found out that SME participants demand ERP systems, stock management, and financial accounting systems, respectively.

30 Success Cases

30 Success Cases of Digital for SMEs have been selected by the consulting team and the advisory committee of the project that they are outstanding and represent the success of the digital system applied in business management.